How is Clerici rennet made? The delicate and careful extraction of enzymes is the key point of our production, an art that has been handed down for generations. The long maceration times and cold extraction of enzymes guarantee the cheesemaker the use of a 100% active product and not affected by any treatment stress.
The production process of Clerici rennet is developed across 8 main phases:

The vells are gently pressed to extract the valuable enzyme contents.

The enzymes, through a lengthy, natural and secret process, are left to rest and activated to offer maximum yield in the vat of the customer.

The liquid is filtered 8 times with different noble flours to enhance the rennet with greater purer prestige.

Through the molecular sieve, the rennet becomes an even more concentrated enzymatic pool.

Advanced technology denatures the enzymes so that the enzyme concentrate remains uncontaminated and authentic. our liquid rennet is ready at last!

An ancient gravity-separation technique is used to separate the enzymes for powder rennet.

The enzyme cream obtained is mixed with a very fine and polished salt and left to rock for 24 hours in traditional slow-drying ovens.

Rennet is packaged only when the order is placed and has all of the characteristics requested by the customer.