Circular Economy
Circular economy covers the entire life cycle of a product, from the supply of raw materials to the management of waste. In addition to sourcing by-products, we follow the principles of circularity throughout the value chain of our products.
One of our mottos is to “produce more, with less”, in full adherence to the principles of the circular economy. The continuous synergy between our research and production departments allows us to increase yields and optimize the use of resources and raw materials, generating the least impact for the same production.
Our own products can allow to improve productivity at our customers, thanks to the high quality of our rennet, or thanks to the use of coating and preservation agents for the dairy industry, for the reduction of food waste and the incidence of non-conformities.
We work to promote the proper recovery and recycling mechanisms of our waste. We carry out the upcycling of our own production waste, transforming it into fertilizers, thanks to the collaboration with a rendering plant.

We are constantly committed to reducing the environmental impacts of our activities, with a careful use of natural resources and a permanent control of our waste and effluents, convinced that environmental quality is necessarily reflected in the quality of our products.
Any possible technological innovation applied to processes or products is carried out in order to find new solutions that require a lower quantity of raw materials or natural resources, such as water or energy, or that improve their environmental compatibility.
The Caglificio Clerici plant is located adjacent to the PLIS Parco del Lura, and it is important for us to protect and where possible restore biodiversity, reducing the impacts – including visual impacts – of our activities.
We pay careful attention to the green spaces that surround us, for the benefit of the flora, fauna and people who can enjoy them.