The Clerici "Family"
The history of Caglificio Clerici is a family history: founded in 1872 by Martino Clerici, it is now managed by the fourth and fifth generation of its direct descendants. Over time this family has grown and consolidated: to date, 9 women and 19 men work for the company , all sharing the same propensity towards quality and production safety. The extremely low turn-over and the high added value per capita if compared to our direct competitors demonstrate the mutual relationship of trust and enhancement between the company and people.
Corporate responsibility / Workplace
Here at Caglificio Clerici it is essential to ensure that every employee can work in a safe and healthy place. In order to develop and monitor compliance with Health and Safety management, we make use of an integrated system, based on the Risk Assessment Document and the Organization and Management Model (pursuant to art.25 septies of Legislative Decree 231/2001 ). The effectiveness of this system is demonstrated by the very low number of accidents, with a series of four consecutive years without accidents.
In addition to legal obligations, it is also important for us to guarantee a peaceful and healthy work environment, promoting activities for the psychophysical well-being of workers. For this reason, since 2019 we have joined the Workplace Health Promotion Program, obtaining recognition as a “workplace that promotes health”.
Social commitment / Community
Caglificio Clerici assiduously supports local sports and cultural initiatives, through donations and sponsorships. It also established a ten-year partnership with the NGO Manitese, to support international cooperation projects, in which employees also participate.
Finally, from 2019 a corporate volunteering project was opened, in collaboration with Un Sorriso In Più ONLUS, thanks to which some employees were able/ can provide assistance to vulnerable people, during working hours.